VSATA, also known as United South America Travel Association, is a not-for-profit organisation bringing together all South America countries to promote this fantastic region with its unique culture, tourism and business.

Welcome to “Visit South America Travel Association (VSATA)”

VSATA, also known as the United South America Travel Association, is a not-for-profit organisation that brings together all South American countries to promote this fantastic region with its unique culture, tourism, and business.

Originating from VBRATA Visit Brazil Travel Association, VSATA is an independent organisation that promotes South America as a tourist, cultural and business destination.

Our members are South American destinations, airlines, tour operators, hotel groups and travel suppliers working with the travel trade and the general public.

VSATA creates opportunities for South American destinations and travel specialists to participate in promotional activities in the UK, Europe and internationally. It is an excellent opportunity for South American countries to unite and quickly communicate with travel agents and tour operators about what makes the whole continent a desirable holiday destination.

Aims and objectives of VSATA

  • To improve public awareness of VSATA members as South American specialists
  • To raise public awareness of South America as a tourism and cultural destination
  • To stimulate the growth of travel to South America
  • To promote travel industry professionalism and skills through educational and training
  • To inform and advise South American travel suppliers on the requirements of the international marketplace
  • To improve press coverage and media of South America
  • To organise promotional events on behalf of members and partners
  • To seek to ensure the competitiveness of South America in all sectors of tourism
  • To organise educational trips to South America
  • To promote South America to the general public as well as to the travel trade in Europe and internationally