VBRATA Confirms Roadshows for October 2024 in Europe and the United Kingdom


Promotional Events for Brazilian Tourist Destinations Aimed at European and British Travel Agents and Tour Operators

The VBRATA Visit Brazil Travel Association (European Association Specialist in Brazil) has announced its 2024 event calendar in London. The association aims to promote Brazilian tourist destinations and suppliers to British and European travel agents and tour operators.

2024 Roadshow Calendar

Starting on 4th October 2024, VBRATA will launch a series of roadshows across Italy, Spain, Germany, France, Portugal, the United Kingdom, and Ireland.

VBRATA 2024 Roadshow Schedule

VBRATA Italy Roadshow:

  1. Naples: 4th October 2024
  2. Rome: 7th October 2024

VBRATA Europe Roadshow:

  1. Madrid, Spain: 14th October 2024
  2. Frankfurt, Germany: 15th October 2024
  3. Paris, France: 17th October 2024
  4. Lisbon, Portugal: 18th October 2024

VBRATA UK and Ireland Roadshow:

  1. London, England: 29th October 2024
  2. Birmingham, England: 30th October 2024
  3. Manchester, England: 31st October 2024
  4. Dublin, Ireland: 1st November 2024

During these events, travel agents will engage in business meetings with Brazilian tourist destinations, suppliers, and airlines and attend a detailed presentation about Brazil.

Benefits of VBRATA Events

  • Professional training and development: In addition to receiving updated information about Brazilian destinations and attractions, travel agents and tour operators will have direct contact with suppliers to ask questions, request travel tips, and improve their knowledge about Brazil.
  • International Visibility: Increasing visibility and generating interest in Brazilian destinations within the European market.
  • Strengthening partnerships: Establishing and strengthening commercial partnerships between Brazilian exhibitors and the European travel trade.
  • Tourism Innovation: Presenting innovations and new tourism offerings, adapting to market trends and demands.

Event Participation

If you are a travel agent or tour operator interested in participating in VBRATA’s roadshows and learning more about Brazil, please get in touch with us by email for more information. For additional details about VBRATA and its events or to view past events, visit VBRATA.org, Instagram, or LinkedIn.

Exhibitor Packages

VBRATA offers special packages for tourist destinations and companies interested in participating as exhibitors. For more information, visit vbrata.org and contact us by email.


Roadshows, United Kingdom, vbrata
