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Travel Tips

Health & Vaccinations


Public health services in Brazil are free for foreign tourists. So, if you are in an accident or present any health problems, just call the Mobile Emergency Service (Samu) dialling 192 on the phone. The call is free.


Brazil is a country with a tropical climate, so we recommend that you drink liquid constantly in order to prevent dehydration.

Wear comfortable clothes and protect yourself from the sun with a hat (or cap), sunglasses and sunscreen. Avoid direct sun exposure between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm.

Always bring repellent against insects, to use whenever necessary.

Wash your hands with soap and water several times a day, especially after using public transportation and visiting busy attractions.

Avoid consuming foods that have been poorly prepared or packaged.

During cycling or hiking trips, take foods that don’t spoil with the heat.

Use repellent and long-sleeved clothes (especially in the early morning and late afternoon) to impede the mosquito that carries the Zika virus. In case you have symptoms such as fever, rashes, headaches, pain behind the eyes, pain in the body and joints, or red spots throughout the body, the Brazilian Ministry of Health advises that you should look for a hospital or health unit and drink plenty of liquids.

The virus is the main cause of the increase of microcephaly in babies, being a reason for concern mainly among pregnant women and women who plan to become pregnant in the next few months. Regardless of the destination or reason, all pregnant women should consult their physicians before travelling.

Pregnant women are advised to use only drugs prescribed by health professionals, take qualified prenatal examinations for their current stage, in addition to reporting any changes during pregnancy. In addition to the use of insect repellent and long-sleeved clothes, it is also recommended to avoid accumulating stagnant water in places such as buckets, vases, old tires, etc.

Brazil has outlined a National Plan to fight the disease, involving different ministries and agencies of the Federal Government, in partnership with states and cities.

To enter Brazil, it is not mandatory to vaccinate against any type of illness. However, in the country there are areas with Vaccination Recommendation (ACRV), where it is recommended to vaccinate against yellow fever before your visit. Yellow fever is a disease transmitted by the bite of infected mosquitoes.

If you have never taken the vaccine, you will need to do so 10 days before your trip (this period is not necessary if you have been vaccinated before). If in doubt, check the website of the Brazilian Ministry of Health.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there is a risk of malaria transmission in 96 countries around the globe. Infected people have symptoms such as fever, chills and flu-like symptoms at the beginning.

In Brazil, the transmission of malaria is concentrated in the Amazon, which covers the States of Acre, Amapá, Amazonas, Maranhão, Mato Grosso, Pará, Rondônia, Roraima and Tocantins. In these areas, it is essential that you take certain precautions during periods of higher activity of the mosquitoes that carry the disease (from sunset to sunrise):

• Use light clothes with long sleeves during periods of high exposure in activities such as canoe trips.

• Apply insect repellent on exposed areas of the skin, always following the guidelines of the manufacturer.

• Pay attention to the appearance of disease symptoms, such as fever, body aches and headaches.

• In case any symptoms of the disease appear, look for the nearest hospital or health unit. Ideally, medical attention should be given within 48 hours after the first symptoms appear.

• It is important to highlight that Brazil has a public health network structured to diagnose and treat patients appropriately.

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